Tuesday, November 3, 2009

LYDIA - "Women's Lib. Killed The Macho Man" (Part 1 of 3)

Bueno, my darlings, as I said in the webisode, my name is LYDIA, and they've asked me to write a little something about my webisode.

What I can tell you is that it's strange looking at my trouble with men from afar. I can see that sometimes I can appear one-sided, but ironically, that shouldn't be the case, because I'm a Gemini, and you know we always change our minds every time we pee.

This particular story is the beginning of it all where I explain how my meeting up with a really interesting guy with movie star looks ended up in disaster, because I have no regard for personal boundaries. I always step over the line and reach out and touch people. I really should keep my hands to myself.

But "therein lies the rub", as Shakespeare would say. As a Latina, I can't.

We are touchy feel-y people, take me or leave me.

My name is Lydia. Buy my couture swim suits... Please?

I can hear my biological clock ticking, and it's high time I saved up enough time to make a baby. My God, I hope my mother doesn't read this.

